Ainda mt nada

curatorial online project in collaboration with Felipe Barsuglia

with: Alexandra Martens, Alexandre Nitzsche, Alvaro Seixas, Ana Matheus Abbade, André Dahmer, Andrés Brück, Atelier O Divino, ÃO, BNRUO, Bruno Baietto, Carlos Issa, Estela May, Felipe Barsuglia, Flora Rebollo, Gabriel Junqueira, Gabriel Secchin, Germano Dushá, Hanya Beliá, Iah Bahia, Ingrid Kita, Institute of queer ecology, Julia Panades, Julliana Araújo, JUNO, LCUAS PRIES, Lorna Mills, Marina Benzaquem, Marina Borges, Natalie Braido, Nuno Q. Ramalho, Paola Ribeiros, Pauli Puiupo, Rafael Meliga, Ronaldo Lemos, um haitiano, Vitória Cribb, Wednesday Kim, X-TUDO e Yan Copelli

Less pretentious and more experimental: “ainda mt nada” [still much nothing]. Navigation here is intuitive, random, unmanned and without frills. Several crazy icons and gifs float around the page, and when clicked, they open new windows, images, sounds and videos. The idea came from artists Felipe Barsuglia and Yan Copelli, willing to try out some digital tools while they are away from the studio – both usually work with painting, sculpture, making different objects and, every now and then, together with other artists and curators, hold exhibitions independently. In fact, “ainda mt nada” is just a possible way to continue unfolding artistic investigations with related artists. Everyone, regardless of the language they usually work with, is somehow already incorporating the influence of life and the digitized image in their artistic practice: they observe and feel the current demand that the artist needs to be some sort of influencer and entrepreneur of themselves.
Each artist creates what will be displayed within the platform, and is free to add and edit. Participations include cartoonists, fashion designers and also curators, generating important dialogues between different languages that communicate. In this sense, more than showing processes or work already done, most prefer to play with digital tools and invent a kind of work online, which can be borderline memes, with prints that tell stories, photographs and quarantine diaries, drawings and videos with different forms of visualization. The site is now in its 3.0 version, and should receive another update in the coming days, keeping the associations between the participations free and subjective for those who browse. In a way, aindamtnada is a refuge from likes and popularity rankings. In addition, it is symptomatic that these artists, the vast majority without a gallery or marketing support, prefer to invent new ways of expressing themselves at this moment than trying to sell finished works of art.

text: Felipe Molitor

Recipes from nowhere